This is a REAL blog about life and anything else that might hit me in the face today. I hope it brings you laughs, joy, and inspiration at times.
My Family
This was taken at Lost Valley (march 2010)
Monday, February 15, 2010
There are bound to be days like this!
well today has been interesting to say the least. First I get pulled over on my way to WM because my tags are exspired again, (pretty sure this happened last year). They caught me 5 moths early this time. Just got a warning. whewww, thank the Lord! Then we go to WM run into somebody that knew me and I couldnt even think of where I saw her last. she talked to me for a good 10 min. Ok so I finally make it home. The earlier part of the afternoon was peoductive and nothing big really happened that I can remember. Then I go to get Aidan take then to the Jumpy Slide, and get some bad attitude from the kids. Ok so nomore Jumpy slide for a while. Then I came home again. Thought I would let the kids watch a show while I did a 20 min juilan workout (LOL LOL LOL) How far off could I be? No What I did get was two little boys working out with their mommy in Aidans room. Allton breathing hard with some hand weights and Aidan trying to do bicycle crunches.....tooo cute but at first it was really anoying! Then I read them a story put them to bed. Getting aidan tucked in made him laugh to much I guess and got puked on and his whole bed (which I had jsut changed the other day) had to be changed agian. LOL WHAT A DAY! LOL I hope you enjoyed this little saga of my day. Thought it would give you a good laugh.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Well my eye is twiching! I cant stop this weather from coming....snow snow snow snow! UGGH What I would give now to go on vacation. I know it is still winter I am aware, but lets not try to make up for winters past that have had little or no snow. I love my children but if I didnt have any major obligations right now I would just leave and go somewhere warm, workout, go shopping and tan. There how vain does that sound.... There has GOT to be someway around this weather and its life sucking effects. I can only clean the house so much before I get flat out tired of it. Well enough of my gripping I am going to get the kids out of the tub.....Please God help the snow to STOP NO MORE SNOW OR FREEZING TEMPS!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Big Decision
Ok for most of us that are moms there is always a # in our heads of just how many children we want. Well I have been batteling this # for quite some time, just ask Jeremy or I tormented them almost on a daily basis of what I should do. Well I fianlly broke down and prayed about it. Jesus please, You know what I can and cant handle. You know my heart better than I do (wich is a relief). If I am not suposed to have another baby please take this desire from me. In Jesus name.
Well He did. Now dont get me wrong I still look at little girls and think what if, but that is as far as it goes. It no longer pleagues my mind. I asked my self about it everyday. TO look into the eyes of a little girl that was jsut like me....scary and so precious all at the same time. But now I am ok with that. For some reason I had told myself that just because I had two kids that it made me less of a mom, 3 or more then you are a real mom, or since I only had boys. I am not sure where I get this stuff but that is just how I think. My house no longer holds a crib. I dont get to venture down the baby isle at the local stores anymore. Pretty soon I will not have to buy diapers any more (speaking in faith on that one). I think these are some of the reasons that I wanted another baby. My body and mind were jsut telling me it was time, but my heart wasnt in it. It is time for a new chapter in my life.
I have two beautiful boys and they are my world. I eat sleep and breath for them. I need them jsut as much as they need me. No matter how flustered I get with them they will always be my life.
Now for theme parks, soccer, little sticks, and family vacations with my FAMILY. Aidan, Allton, Jeremy, and Christy Lawson........The MOM of the whole parade. :)
Well He did. Now dont get me wrong I still look at little girls and think what if, but that is as far as it goes. It no longer pleagues my mind. I asked my self about it everyday. TO look into the eyes of a little girl that was jsut like me....scary and so precious all at the same time. But now I am ok with that. For some reason I had told myself that just because I had two kids that it made me less of a mom, 3 or more then you are a real mom, or since I only had boys. I am not sure where I get this stuff but that is just how I think. My house no longer holds a crib. I dont get to venture down the baby isle at the local stores anymore. Pretty soon I will not have to buy diapers any more (speaking in faith on that one). I think these are some of the reasons that I wanted another baby. My body and mind were jsut telling me it was time, but my heart wasnt in it. It is time for a new chapter in my life.
I have two beautiful boys and they are my world. I eat sleep and breath for them. I need them jsut as much as they need me. No matter how flustered I get with them they will always be my life.
Now for theme parks, soccer, little sticks, and family vacations with my FAMILY. Aidan, Allton, Jeremy, and Christy Lawson........The MOM of the whole parade. :)
Monday, February 1, 2010
My AM prayer
Well ok so I would like to say that I am thankful for Gods amazing grace! His mercy is new every morning. I love that everyday is REALLY a NEW day. God has all the answers and I am full of questions. I need Him more than the breath that I brethe. I dont think that people understand sometimes jsut how much this life takes out of us. When you wake up in the AM and your feet hit the floor it begins. I am going to try and pray before I even get out of bed in the AM. Start my day off right Lord. Give me more of you! I need to make a diffrence in Your kingdom! You saved me for a reason, not just to fill a pew. Give me endurance. Make me tough when I need to be and have a heart that can be soft when it needs to be. Put your love around me. Renew me everyday! I have a duty to my family and to anyone who is watching. I love you Jesus! You are my King! This is a NEW day and Glory be to God for it! Amen!
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