This is a REAL blog about life and anything else that might hit me in the face today. I hope it brings you laughs, joy, and inspiration at times.
My Family
This was taken at Lost Valley (march 2010)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The devil is roaming to and fro seeking whom he may devour! I am not giving him ANY glory by this post! It is just a SCREAMING Warning! Please feel my since of urgency. He is atacking the TRUTH because he knows his time is close and he cant stand the pun intended. My feelings latley is that I've Got To Make IT! There is pleasure in sin for a season, but only for a season! There WILL be a day of Pentecost. Hang on saints we are almost there. If we have any questions now is the time for answers. How is my relationship with God? How does He feel about me. Is my relationship with HIM strong enough to last through the storms and temptations that I will go through? I oftern put God in the parenting position because I relate to it so well, but not only is He my father, He is my judge, He is a the Lion of Juda, He is a creator, He is LORD! He is my master, He is my First love! Please Lord dont let me slip dont let me fall, if I do let it be into your hands. I would rather break than for Him to fall upone me crushing me into powder. Light a fire in me God. I have a family to think about. God love me enough to call me out when I need to be delt with. You know my heart better than I do. Thank God for that. No man can come to God unless he is drawn or called by God. I feel so blessed. Thank you God for filling me with the Holy Ghost for saving me. You did it for a reason so show me what you want me to do. IN JESUS NAME> It is never to late to be lost. I haven't made it yet.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Well I am learing and I dont think it is a bad thing, just painful most of the time. God has such BIG foot prints it is hard not to be swollowed up in them. lol I can remember how my mom would take care of me and how she was slways there to talk to. I know God just like that if not more so. I dont think I realize just how much He loves me but it feel so good to be able to jsut crawl into His arms and cry. Just hold me Lord while I cry. I know I dont do the best job and I know that you are dissapointed in me a lot, but you love me none the less. Thank you SOO much for being there for me. When this world throws stuff at me you are there to stand between its artilary and me and You take the blows from it just for me! Tears fill my eyes and you are there to comfort me. I am happy and you rejoice with me. I am exausted and you are there to relieve me. You are MY EVERYTHING, even when I have so mcuh going on and cant even muster the idea of doing another task you are in my mind. I love you! I could NOT EVER live without you, and your promise of NEVER leaving me is somthing I cling too everyday. Thank you for showing me truth and for loving me the way no one else can.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
How may of us are wishing for "Movie Love" as a friend of mine calls it. I know I am! What is wrong with that? Well if you let it go to your head, that is when it gets bad. But you CAN have that kinda love. You might have to put your self out there a little, and take those little things your husband does and ZOOM in on them a little. It is SO important that I take what I can from my marriage because if I dont it will take from me and then I will be left empty handed. I hate putting in investments but that is what marriage is all about. You put in prayer, love, stretch your neck out, do more that you have too, and that investment will reap some great benefits. I will be the first one to admit that I dont put in as much as I should. Jermey I am sorry! I love you with all my heart and dont want to think about life without you. And yes I would accept a massage and a candle light dinner. lol Not me giving the massage, making dinner and then lighting some candles my self.....
All in a days work....
Well Today was a good day. We made it to a nutrition apointment and found out we have problems. LOL Ya, come have problems. THAT is RIGHT America we do. Anyway, after that we came home for Alltons nap and then off to Branson. The kids had a blast. Aidan won over 1000 tickets on one game. He freaked out. I was just trying to get rid of the rest of the $ on the card. It was a great time. Then off to the Olive Garden. YUMMM and that is all I need to say about that. Well that is pretty much it about the day. Full and rich of life.
Monday, January 4, 2010
NOT the perfect mom, NOT the perfect wife
I doubt that I will shock anyone with this news. I doubt that its even news at all, but I am NOT the perfect mother nor am I the perfect wife. And for this I am NOT sorry. I am just stating the facts. I don't think it is any wife or mothers job to be perfect. We just need to try our best. I have so much in me that I feel like I don't ever get to tap into. I sometimes blame other people, which is just the easy way out. Dreams are great things to have but sometimes I think that when we have to put them on hold we loss sight of them or just simply miss place them. I don't want anyone to think that I am asking for a different job. I LOVE my family and would never change jobs. Being a stay at home mom is a great challenge and a promotion from any other job that I can think of. However we are so worried about "Knowing it all" that we are afraid to admit that we have so much to learn. So I ask this question. What happens when we know it all? Well this truly will never happen. It NEVER has to ANYONE. Only God is the one that this has taken place with. Our life it like a library of books: adventures, biography's, romance novels (even if they are in our mind only)lol, "how to books" and so on. We need not worry about making sure people are aware that we " know it all". When they want to know they will simply come to this great library that you call life and ask you if they may inquire about the book wich interest them the most. Meanwhile we need to not be afraid of taking it all in. Learning more and more each day. Making the most of what we can so us and the people around us can have a better and more fulfilling life. So to sum it up.....I am not the perfect mother nor wife, and for this I am grateful. This gives me the wonderful chance to keep learning from so many things, my kids, my husband, from friends and family. So be grateful that you aren't perfect. Let that be the chance that you can take advantage of.
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